Polycarbonate sheets make building stronger

No one disputes the need for strength in our building materials. A building is intended to last for generations. While repairs to a structure are an expected part of maintenance, a building should be strong enough to withstand the effects of weather. But standards for strength have evolved as innovative research has discovered newer and better materials. Danpal, always at the forefront of the most cutting-edge products manufactured, has made the use of polycarbonate sheets a primary component in our efforts to build better.


In recent years, the weather has become more extreme. We’ve witnessed terrible storms throughout the seasons as blizzards, rainstorms, and other manifestations of nature seem to behave as if they’re in a contest to overpower the landscape. Buildings must be constructed out of materials that give them the stamina that they must have in order to outlast the furies of nature. Every season seems to bring its own special form of nature’s wrath and all over the world, people are experiencing weather that’s unlike anything they’ve known before. That’s why polycarbonate sheets have become so popular. Polycarbonate is light and easy to work with, while at the same time displaying a phenomenal strength. In fact, polycarbonate sheets, although only half as heavy as glass, are two hundred times stronger. As the weather has become more powerful, buildings are now stronger thanks to polycarbonate sheets.


Building materials that are equipped with versatility can offer more to architects and clients. Polycarbonate sheets are available in two different forms. You might choose solid polycarbonate, which resembles glass in its clear, flat sheeting form. Although solid polycarbonate looks like glass, it has far superior strength. Or you might choose multiwall polycarbonate, a structured sheet which has hollow air chambers. Whichever one you select, you can be confident that you’ll benefit from the same reliable polycarbonate strength.


You’ve heard a lot about the strength of polycarbonate sheets, but you may not realize why that strength is so important. Buildings are very vulnerable to the forces of weather.

Keeping insulation dry is one of the most important ways to protect a building. Damp moisture can lead to problems that begin with leaks and a loss of energy and can turn into structural stress and, ultimately, the possibility of building collapse. The damage isn’t merely confined to the building. Damp insulation creates an atmosphere in which mold thrives and once mold has found a home, it doesn’t want to leave. It leads to health problems for the occupants of a building, and if there’s someone who has asthma or allergies, they’ll feel the effects of mold very quickly. You don’t want to live or work in a building that adversely affects your health. Damp insulation also leads to financial issues because you’re paying for energy that you aren’t using. It’s escaping outside and that’s bad for the environment. Dry insulation is the formula for a healthy building and healthy people.

Not just another pretty facade

Neighborhoods and commercial districts all have unique identities that take their image from the buildings that are located there. People come and go but the structures remain, instilling an identity in the landscape that adds to the character of the area. Buildings are designed and constructed according to architectural plans based upon certain styles and functions, but there’s a way for a structure to add to its appearance beyond its original design and that’s through facades. Facades, which offer choices of colors, finishes, and textures that deepen the esthetic appearance of a building, are a popular option for architects who want their creative work to impart an extra level of imagination.


Architects enjoy the opportunity to let a building take on an artistic presence as if it were a work of art with people inside. If you’ve ever seen a façade which alternates dark and light colors, you know how vividly this impression catches the eye. Adding depth to the perspective of a building is easily accomplished by layering different shades of a particular color. Other ways to add pizazz to a building are to incorporate columns or brick stacks or feature lighting. Danpal has so many variations on the theme of color that it will be a challenge to choose from all the selections that are available.


Danpal facades bring beauty but they also help to resist weather. The facades are made of microcell technology which provides strength. The façade’s thermal insulation prevents energy from being wasted by escaping out of the building. The double-click locking seams provide high-load resistance and security. The structural function of the façade is as much a part of its purpose as is its attractive appearance. All of these features are designed to keep your building strong no matter what the weather is doing outside.


A Danpal facace, with this microcell technology and double-click locking seams, is well-equipped to handle the harsh elements that weather brings. The world outside your windows might look as if a flood of rain is coming from the skies. You might open the door to a landscape that’s covered in white from heavy snowfall. You might hear the wind howling outside, or hail striking the building. But the building itself is shielded by the power of the façade’s defensive barrier that allows you to stay snug and warm inside.


We’ve all heard a lot about the dangers of mold and how it can cause serious harm for people with respiratory problems. If you work in a building or live in a home that has a mold problem, you may have noticed that allergies and asthma are worse. That’s because mold is born in damp places where moisture has attacked insulation. Once the insulation is no longer dry, it becomes a breeding ground for mold that quickly spreads.

A Danpal façade can make a world of difference in the health and wellbeing of your building and the people inside it.


When you’re considering choices of building materials, what are you looking for? Function? Appearance? Do you feel like you have to choose one over the other? Why should you have to choose whether you want to use a building material that is strong and easy to work with, or one that is attractive? When you select polycarbonate sheets, you’re choosing a product that is extremely strong and also esthetically pleasing. In fact, polycarbonate’s advantages are so pronounced that it has replaced glass in popularity. Glass, once a favorite, just can’t compare to the versatility of polycarbonate sheets. At Danpal, we are constantly seeking new and innovative products that deliver the utmost satisfaction for our clients. New and better products mean that older, traditional products can no longer compare to what’s now available. As a leader in the building industry, Danpal stays on the cutting edge of research and development so that new products like polycarbonate sheets deliver a better performance.


The weather forecast in a typical week explains why polycarbonate sheets are an architect’s first choice when designing a building. Weather is unpredictable; a week that starts out with record cold temperatures and heavy rain might end in heat and humidity. We’ve all heard how March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb; in weather terms, that shows us that we have to expect the unexpected when we’re dealing with the natural elements. In order for a building to have the utmost in protection against the potential ravages of weather, it needs to be able to rely on materials that are able to keep weather out. Danpal has developed its Ventilated Rain System, which uses polycarbonate sheets to prevent weather outside from making its way inside. The polycarbonate panels in the system come with an air gap that lets natural ventilation keep the insulation dry and free from moisture.


Architects like to work with polycarbonate sheets because they’re flexible and customizable. That makes polycarbonate sheets very easy to install. The workload is lighter, the time needed is reduced, transporting the sheets is easier, and the disruption of the routine inside the building is reduced. When less work is needed, that means that less time is taken. That, in turn, means that less money is needed to finish the job.


Polycarbonate sheets are available in two different styles. There’s multiwall polycarbonate sheets, which are made of hollow air chambers. For those who want the appearance of glass, there’s solid polycarbonate, which is a flat, clear sheeting. Both versions are strong and flexible and that’s a decisive advantage for a building material. Can the same be said of glass?


Architects aren’t the only ones who’ve discovered that polycarbonate is a superior product. Windshields, security screens, moving machinery parts and farming machinery are also made out of polycarbonate because its flexibility and strength make it a favored choice.


Buildings. In many instances, it’s a case of “seen one, seen them all.” But Danpal believes that buildings can be more than just one-size-fits-all structures that fulfill a functional purpose. A building can also look great while it’s fulfilling the purpose for which it was designed and built. That’s why Danpal facades are so popular with architects. Our facades offer a variety of ways for a building to show off and become something more than just another structure. We provide colors, textures, and finishes that turn an ordinary building into a functioning work of art. You’ll be amazed at the options that you’ll find when you explore the world of Danpal facades.


You may not be considering beauty as a standard feature of a building, but after you’ve seen the difference that facades can deliver, you’ll be excited about the choices you can make. A building can take on different dimensions merely by the selections you make for your façade. Do you want to add depth to the perspective? You can do that by layering different shades of color. We offer feature lighting, brick stacks, and columns so that you can give your building a dazzling appearance. Seeking a bold, eye-catching image? Try alternating dark and light colors. With Danpal facades, beauty is an option that you won’t want to do without.


Even while looking gorgeous, a Danpal façade is hard at work making sure that weather doesn’t ruin the building. No matter where you live, there’s a weather manifestation that can be particularly harmful. In some parts of the world, winter is a season to dread because it brings snow, cold temperatures and wind. Other places have rainy seasons that deliver torrential downpours. All regions of the globe have weather, and they all have buildings. That’s why Danpal has designed facades that are able to protect a building’s interior from weather worries.

Some of the problems that weather causes are immediately noticed. But others, like the mold that can develop if insulation gets wet, may not be detected as quickly until they’ve already created a problem. In houses or workplaces where insulation is compromised by moisture that penetrated a building’s exterior, the occupants may find themselves suffering from health issues. This is particularly true for people who already have respiratory conditions such as asthma or allergies. When that happens, the building in which these people live and work is actually making them sick. A façade by Danpal is a great way to keep your building and the people inside it healthier.


We’ve dedicated our decades of experience to devising products that are strong enough to stand up to weather. Microcell technology is the secret to the strength of our facades. Our thermal insulation prevents energy from escaping. The result? Your heating and cooling remain at consistent temperatures all the year around. Hail can’t get past our snap-lock connection systems. With our double-click locking seams, a building can count on security and high-load resistance. That’s Danpal innovation in action!

Facades Are The Beautiful Way To Protect Buildings From Weather Damage

Danpal, a leader in the building industry with over half a century of experience, has always emphasized the importance of manufacturing high-quality products that deliver superior performance. Our commitment to the environment assures our clients that the materials we produce support their own ecological concerns. These are the factors which have established our company as a trailblazer in the field. But we also have a creative influence on the buildings that are designed by architects. That harmony of creativity and performance is exemplified by our facades. The façade of a building is both an esthetic and a functional component of the structure.

Matching A Façade To the Neighborhood

We provide many options for colors, textures, and finishes so that architects can have a wide variety of choices when deciding how the building will look. A building has a designated purpose for the occupants within; whether it’s a home or a workplace, the interior of the structure must be safe and comfortable for the people who spend time there. But a building also has its own neighborhood; how it looks on the exterior will play a part in the way it fits into the community. Is your building located in a part of the community where the architectural style is more traditional, or is it in an area that’s know for its modern look? The façade that you choose can blend with the style that’s best suited for the building’s location. Facades can enhance the outward appearance of a building so that it helps to create a positive impression.

FacadesFaçade Strength Keeps Weather Damage Away

Microcell technology is at the heart of the strength of a Danpal façade. The high-impact resistance capitalizes on microcell technology to enable a building to withstand the damage that hail can cause. The snap-lock connection system keeps water and air from invading the building and letting moisture thrive. There’s also co-extended UV protection with Danpal facades so that the power of the sun won’t cause harm to your building over time.

Facades And Esthetics

Daylight is one of the most attractive features that’s provided with Danpal facades. The glazing panel of the façade has tight spacing between the ribs so that the natural light from outside can be evenly diffused inside. Light also opens the possibilities for visual contrasts, as building elements, whether hidden or integrated with conventional glazing, create fascinating impressions. There is also a wonderful range of colors and finishes to transform a building into an artistic masterpiece.

Other Advantages of Facades

Architects appreciate the flexibility of Danpal facades which makes them much easier to work with. The flush external of the concealed joints can warp and twist if necessary. Another feature is the system certification, which is compliant with ISO9001 and CSTB requirements. As the “R” values of roofing insulation have almost tripled in recent decades, Danpal facades play a role. That’s because the unique cell structure of the façade works with superior thermal insulation. At at a time when environmental responsibility is the universal goal, Danpal’s facades do their part to make the world a better place.

Polycarbonate Sheets: Strong, Flexible, Better Than Glass

We’ve always heard that opposites attract, but this isn’t a phrase that we typically use when we’re discussing building materials. However, polycarbonate sheets are a building material that is gaining popularity in the industry because polycarbonate is a product that is made up of opposites. It’s strong but it’s light in weight. It resembles glass, but it’s flexible. With these opposites attracting the way they do, the end result is a product that is so amazingly versatile that it gives architects a dynamic new option for creating customizable structures designed to please. If you’re not convinced that something so easy to work with could possibly be so strong, we’re going to prove it to you.

What Is Polycarbonate?

Polycarbonate is a building material that’s incredibly strong and, at the same time, flexible so that it’s easy to work with. Can you imagine a product that resembles glass and yet is unbreakable? That’s polycarbonate. Polycarbonate sheets come in two different forms. It’s the solid polycarbonate, which is a clear flat sheeting, that resembles glass. Multiwall polycarbonate is a structure sheet made of hollow air chambers. Whichever one you choose, you’re getting unbeatable strength.

polycarbonate sheetsPolycarbonate Sheets Deliver Flexibility

When a product is flexible, it’s much easier to work with. Ease of installation pleases architects because it means that the process can take place in less time with more efficiency. Less disruption of schedules pleases clients; workers can continue with their tasks without a great deal of disruption while the installation is taking place.

How Strong Are Polycarbonate Sheets?

Polycarbonate sheets are very, very strong. Polycarbonate is 200 times stronger than glass and much easier to work with. Polycarbonate has been hardened to withstand very high levels of resistance, which helps to explain why it’s the ideal material for defending a building against the ravages of weather. Weather has a lot that it can throw against a building, but polycarbonate sheets pose a pretty strong defense against the forces of rainstorms, snowfall, hail and high winds.

Danpal’s Ventilated Rain System Has The Edge In Weather Protection

Polycarbonate’s ability to keep moisture from penetrating the interior of a building is the reason why it delivers such an impressive performance against weather. The polycarbonate sheets of the Danpal Ventilated Rainscreen System insulate a building on the inside so that the weather going on outside the building can’t get through. The air gap in the panels allows natural ventilation to keep insulation effective by preventing it from getting wet.

Glass Can’t Compare To Polycarbonate Sheets

If you need more proof that polycarbonate sheets are the building material that is superior to glass, just consider some of the products that are made of polycarbonate. Products like security screens, windshields, farming machinery and moving machinery parts all need to be flexible in order to work. Polycarbonate is flexible. But these products also must be strong. Polycarbonate is strong. As you can see, polycarbonate sheets are proof that opposites attract.

Cladding and Climate and Insulation

Design a building. Build the building. Enjoy the building. Many people may think that these steps indicate the life cycle of a structure, but architects know that the process isn’t nearly that straightforward. The design for a building begins with a keen awareness of what the building’s purpose will be, where the building is located, and an understanding of the climate in that region. After the building is completed and the occupants have moved in, the success of the next phase hinges on whether or not the structure has what it takes to resist the threats of weather, particularly rain and snow and how they will impact the insulation of a building. This is cause for worry for many building owners, but not for those whose designs were completed with Danpal cladding. For them, the insulation is secure and the moisture can’t enter, so the building is on its way to a long life.


Danpal’s business presence extends to five continents, which is part of the reason why we take our global responsibilities so seriously. But at the same time, we know that concentrating our innovation locally makes our company stronger and more responsive to all the building needs in the industry. Cladding needs to be strong so that it can prevent leakages from invading the interior of a building. Climate and cladding are closely interwoven; cladding can’t change the amount of precipitation that falls in any given area, but it can prevent that precipitation from causing damage to the structure. Danpal cladding has an inner sheet, an outer panel, and a ventilated cavity; between the building’s exterior and the cladding is a gap that supplies a consistent stream of air to block the penetration of moisture.


In most of the world’s International Energy Agency (IEA) counties, buildings account for nearly 40% of the primary energy usage in the individual nations. That high number shows that, as nations advance, they use more energy. How, then, can energy usage be controlled so that there’s no waste? Cladding plays into that formula because if the cladding is working as it’s designed, insulation stays dry and energy isn’t escaping. A consistent temperature is maintained internally.


The most effective cladding on the market is the Danpal Ventilated Rainscreen System or VRS, which employs Danpalon® panels to keep insulation free from moisture. The convective motion behind the panels is what keeps the insulation dry. The standard panel length is 12.0m, but if you need longer lengths of panels, just let Danpal know and we’ll be happy to customize. Our system is 100% watertight and easy to install, so customization is no problem.
In a way, customization is the key to Danpal’s success in meeting the needs of our clients. We design building materials with the client in mind. You’ll appreciate the work that goes into our products when you see for yourself what a difference Danpal cladding makes in the long-term life of your building.

Polycarbonate Sheets Score Better in Strength and Appearance

In the construction industry, the products used to create a building must, first and foremost, fulfill the function for which they were designed. They must be strong enough to withstand the harshest elements of weather. They must conform to current environmental standards. All of these items are important. But for Danpal, a company which, during its 50 years in the industry, has always maintained the highest standards of quality in its products, there’s something else that’s important. Esthetics. A building has a purpose and its components are designed to make that purpose happen. But a building, very often, is occupied by people and Danpal believes that people are better served if the buildings where they work and live can provide an attractive appearance, as well as comfort and safety. The advance of technology has provided new ways of making things so that they emphasize all of these priorities. One of the strongest, most versatile, and most customizable products in today’s market is polycarbonate. Polycarbonate sheets have become the favorite of architects looking for a building material that meets industry requirements while satisfying client preferences.

Polycarbonate SheetsPolycarbonate Sheets Build For Today’s Market

In the history of the building industry, there was a time when glass was one of the most popular products for architects. It was strong and attractive. True, scratching was a problem and it wasn’t particularly to work with, but for its time, it was a favorite. But times have changed. Now there’s a new product, one that is so superior to glass that it’s easy to understand why architects are making the shift to polycarbonate sheets. As we already noted, strength is a primary consideration when choosing a building material, and polycarbonate is 200 times stronger than glass. You might think that something that strong would be difficult to work with, but actually, polycarbonate is so flexible that customization is easy. Polycarbonate sheets, which have been hardened so that they are capable of standing up to very high resistance levels, are virtually impossible to break.

Energy Efficiency Is Certain With Polycarbonate Sheets

Did you know that in the industrialized world, 40% of the primary energy usage comes from buildings? If you want to build with sustainability in mind, you’re looking for materials that enhance energy efficiency. Polycarbonate sheets offer a superior performance when it comes to protecting a building from the damage that weather can cause. Danpal’s Ventilated Rainscreen System, with its natural ventilation, keeps insulation dry and free from the moisture that can cause significant damage over time to a building. The building maintains its energy efficiency by keeping energy from escaping.

Still Like The Look Of Glass? Polycarbonate Can Still Be Your Choice

There are two different choices for polycarbonate sheets, and one of them, solid polycarbonate, is a clear, flat sheeting that resembles glass, but with the strength of polycarbonate. The second option is multiwall polycarbonate, a structured sheet with hollow air chambers. You’ll love the strength of polycarbonate and you won’t have to sacrifice anything in strength or resistance when choosing it.