Polycarbonate sheets build better and stronger

So you really like the way that glass looks, but you don’t like its flaws. Glass isn’t the strongest building material on the market and you don’t want to use a material that’s susceptible to scratching. Nor is glass one of the materials that support the highest levels of energy efficiency and sustainability is important to you.

But you like the look of glass. How can you solve this dilemma? It’s easier than you think. Today’s building industry benefits from the many advances that have come about as a result of technology and innovation. In many cases, new products have evolved that are clearly superior to the older products which were popular in a previous generation. Polycarbonate sheets are one of those dynamic new products. If you really want a building material that has the appearance of glass, you can choose solid polycarbonate, which is a clear, flat sheeting that looks just like glass but doesn’t have its inherent flaws. There’s also multiwall polycarbonate, which is a structured sheet that has hollow air chambers.


First of all, polycarbonate sheets are almost impossible to break. That’s one of the most advantageous features of this remarkable material. Polycarbonate sheets have been hardened to the point where they’re 200 times stronger than glass is, with a much higher resistance level.

As strong as polycarbonate is, it’s still flexible and easy to customize, making it much easier to work with than glass. Architects favor polycarbonate sheets because of the creative opportunities that it affords. They can customize for esthetic purposes without sacrificing the endurance that is valued in building material.

While the weather is one of the greatest threats to a building’s long-term life, polycarbonate sheets represent a potential long-lasting strength, one that can increase the life span of a building as well as improve its performance. Danpal’s Ventilated Rainscreen System, with its polycarbonate sheets, uses natural ventilation to keep insulation dry, preventing moisture caused by weather penetration from invading a building’s interior. That advantage is a benefit to the building and to energy efficiency. The energy that escapes costs you money and it also harms the ecological balance in these environmentally-conscious times when we’re all doing what we can to support sustainability in our lifestyles.


Construction is very different from what we were used to a generation ago. During the thirty years that we’ve been in business, we’ve seen a transformation in the way that people think about the buildings in which they live and work.

They expect a workspace or a living space that is comfortable. They require an awareness of the federal standards that oversee environmental regulations. They want a structure that will last, one that is made of quality materials. Danpal is a steadfast supporter of all these requirements. We recognize that buildings are more than just a location in a neighborhood. Buildings are the repository where we invest our time.

That makes a building, whether it’s where you work or where you live, very important. It must reflect the value of the time that you spend inside it.

Polycarbonate Sheets Score Better in Strength and Appearance

In the construction industry, the products used to create a building must, first and foremost, fulfill the function for which they were designed. They must be strong enough to withstand the harshest elements of weather. They must conform to current environmental standards. All of these items are important. But for Danpal, a company which, during its 50 years in the industry, has always maintained the highest standards of quality in its products, there’s something else that’s important. Esthetics. A building has a purpose and its components are designed to make that purpose happen. But a building, very often, is occupied by people and Danpal believes that people are better served if the buildings where they work and live can provide an attractive appearance, as well as comfort and safety. The advance of technology has provided new ways of making things so that they emphasize all of these priorities. One of the strongest, most versatile, and most customizable products in today’s market is polycarbonate. Polycarbonate sheets have become the favorite of architects looking for a building material that meets industry requirements while satisfying client preferences.

Polycarbonate SheetsPolycarbonate Sheets Build For Today’s Market

In the history of the building industry, there was a time when glass was one of the most popular products for architects. It was strong and attractive. True, scratching was a problem and it wasn’t particularly to work with, but for its time, it was a favorite. But times have changed. Now there’s a new product, one that is so superior to glass that it’s easy to understand why architects are making the shift to polycarbonate sheets. As we already noted, strength is a primary consideration when choosing a building material, and polycarbonate is 200 times stronger than glass. You might think that something that strong would be difficult to work with, but actually, polycarbonate is so flexible that customization is easy. Polycarbonate sheets, which have been hardened so that they are capable of standing up to very high resistance levels, are virtually impossible to break.

Energy Efficiency Is Certain With Polycarbonate Sheets

Did you know that in the industrialized world, 40% of the primary energy usage comes from buildings? If you want to build with sustainability in mind, you’re looking for materials that enhance energy efficiency. Polycarbonate sheets offer a superior performance when it comes to protecting a building from the damage that weather can cause. Danpal’s Ventilated Rainscreen System, with its natural ventilation, keeps insulation dry and free from the moisture that can cause significant damage over time to a building. The building maintains its energy efficiency by keeping energy from escaping.

Still Like The Look Of Glass? Polycarbonate Can Still Be Your Choice

There are two different choices for polycarbonate sheets, and one of them, solid polycarbonate, is a clear, flat sheeting that resembles glass, but with the strength of polycarbonate. The second option is multiwall polycarbonate, a structured sheet with hollow air chambers. You’ll love the strength of polycarbonate and you won’t have to sacrifice anything in strength or resistance when choosing it.