What do you get when you install Danpal wall cladding in a building? You get the kind of protection that a building must have if it’s going to be able to withstand the daily weather onslaught that can leave an unprotected structure threatened by moisture penetration. Moisture is one of the deadliest threats that a building faces because if insulation is compromised, the building is in danger. Danpal wall cladding provides so many different benefits that you can have confidence in your building’s ability to outlast the elements. For people, weather is something that humans can dodge as long as we seek shelter inside a building. For many of us, the worst that rain can do is get us wet as we run from the car to the building where we live or work. But a building is exposed to weather for the entire duration of the event, whether it’s a powerful rainstorm, a fierce snowstorm, hail, high winds or even scorching sunlight.

Danpal Wall Cladding Is Easy To Work With And Easy To Install

The connector-bound microcell polycarbonate panels that make up the wall cladding are three times lighter than traditional rainscreen cladding. Because the connections are made directly onto the support, there’s no need for supplementary supporting framed structures. It’s not just the installation that’s easy. Danpal wall cladding has the edge when it comes to overall superiority for designers and builders alike. That’s because customization is part of the Danpal design process. Panel lengths are available up to the standard 12.0m length and even longer upon request. Add in an amazing range of colors and designs, and it’s easy to see why architects prefer Danpal for wall cladding.

wall claddingDanpal Wall Cladding Protects Insulation

If a building’s insulation is compromised by moisture, the building is going to suffer. Insulation must remain dry in order for it to work and for energy efficiency to be maintained. Danpal wall cladding, with its exclusive double notching, makes sure that watertightness is secure in order to prevent moisture from penetrating. Thanks to an air gap, the wall cladding’s natural ventilation has a convective motion that sustains its energy efficiency. When the building’s occupants have moved in, they can be confident that the energy bills they receive reflect the actual amount of energy that’s being used because none is escaping. Danpal wall cladding makes sure that you’re going to only be paying for what you use.

Wall Cladding That Represents the Danpal Difference

Danpal has been in business for a long time. The amount of expertise that is developed in 30 years makes a great difference in the way we approach research and development in the building industry. We develop products that support today’s energy-conscious market because we know that what’s good for the environment is going to be good for our buildings. We also understand how important it is for buildings to deliver the kind of comfort and security that occupants require. Our products are high in quality and performance for guaranteed customer satisfaction.